This Lingva blog has been started in order to motivate teenagers for EFL writing and show them in the process that it can be rewarding in providing them with the necessary skills of meaningful research, reflection, summarising and interacting with their peers.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Eddie Murphy

by Aleksandar Gajic

Eddie was born on the 3rd of April 1961 in New York in the USA

Murphy’s comic talent was evident from an early age, and by 15 he was writing and performing his own pieces at youth centers and local bars.

Murphy began his more serious comedy career at the young age of 19. He later starred in many comedies including the Beverly Hills Cop series, for which he was recognised by receiving a Golden Globe nomination for best actor.The last film that he took part in was Shreck 3 where he lent his voice to the Donkey, and it has been announced that he will do the same in track 4.

I admire him because he is a very funy actor and his films are perfect, especially Beverly Hills Cop.